Friday, January 28, 2011

would you

Today Mom and I depart on our trip to Cozumel. My awesome hubby encouraged me to take the free trip, invite a friend, and Go.....just go and relax.
WHAT A GUY!!!! I love him-he's mine;)

I'm excited to leave....but I'm leaving behind a couple of sick boys:( Which has made it difficult to pack and harder yet to turn my back and walk out the door. Oh the struggles of motherhood.

I know my boys will be well taken care of, I know they will be in very capable caring hands BUT I'm der ItalicMommmm.

Would you...
please PRAY that the sick bugs, as I've always called them, leave our house-SOON!
please PRAY that we have no lingering respiratory illnesses from these bugs.
please PRAY the rest of the DAVIS HERD stays healthy.
please PRAY for our safe travels.

Thanks friends!

1 comment:

Libby said...

Prayers being said for your group. Motherhood can be so hard at times.

Have a FuN trip! Enjoy the warm weather and the time with your mom. Libby