Thursday, May 31, 2012


Earlier today while traveling down the county highway middle cowpoke let one rip...ya know, a stink bomb. Immediately following, before I could grunt and moan and sigh and r-o-l-l down my window, he most seriously asked the question,

"Mom, is passing gas pollution?"

To which I MOST SERIOUSLY replied,
 " Absolutely!  Pollution is the any contamination of harmful substance(s) into the air.....and from the difficulty the 3 of us are having to breath normally

End of story.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

rodeo beatings

The pour tough oldest cowpoke has taken his share of rodeo beatings lately.

The cowboy life is rough.

In the last 2 weeks he has:
  • slid his arm into a calves mouth and wears a 4" long scar from the sharp teeth.
  • been kicked and has a shin knot to prove it.
  • eaten sand/dirt/??? and is now wormy....  Just kiddin' city folk ;) About the wormy part.
  • been whipped like a rock from a sling shot...occasionally this happens when you rope a 130lb baby calf and your rope is tied onto a calf ropin' horse.

Who wants to rodeo?