Sunday, December 19, 2010

old fashioned

This Sunday, we ended our evening with some old fashioned Christmas caroling. A good size group, from the Troy Church, divided into 3 groups to sing and deliver gift bags around the town of Troy. It was an awesome evening strolling through the snow dusted yards and listening to the kiddos sing about the TRUE meaning of Christmas. I'm positive the small gesture warmed many hearts.

On Saturday, the boys and their cousin Baylee entertained themselves with some old fashioned outdoor play. Two of my boys, especially, have a strong passion for ice skating......a dying winter pastime, unfortunately. I vividly remember the mystical feeling of ice skating on Grandma Freda's pond as a young child. And, the time Grandpa Mart took his snow blower to the pond so my younger brother & I had a path for our skates to glide on.....oh the love of grandparents!
If I didn't thank you then, THANKS BUNCHES, Grandpa!

This weekend we also enjoyed a few hours playing old fashioned board games. The hit game for the weekend was the game of LIFE. (The early 80's addition, from my childhood). We always fill the room with laughter as we see who will land the highest salary to collect each pay day, how many kids your little car will hold and who will become the millionaire.

It was truly an awesome old fashioned weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We certainly enjoyed the Davis Herd at the caroling event and the Church program! Some of the children sparkle when the boys attend with them. Merry Christmas - Sue