Sunday, March 1, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Thanks to our very dear babysitter Dan & I got to have a movie date this past Saturday night. Although we do occasionally take the boys to a movie, it's always a nice treat to see something that isn't animated. the post title threw you for a loop you didn't watch the Academy Awards this year. Slumdog Millionaire is a movie which won multiple academy's with basically no name actresses or actors. I didn't watch the Academy's either, but Dan did. The reason they won: good movie! NO, GREAT movie! You'll be on the edge of your seat wondering what's to come next as your heart aches with pain. It's a film I highly recommend, one that will take days to leave my head and will never be forgotten. I have no desire to travel to India and have no idea how true to life the story is...I fear it's a fairly accurate portrayal. Thank GOD I'm American!

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