Leave it to the three boys to come up with a new way to play with their geomags-magnetics, whatever you want to call them. For those of you unfamiliar with this toy they're like magnetic legos...you can build things with them. WELL....the three Davis boys discovered that you can also use these toys to have "pretend" body piercings. Something their parents are NOT too proud of..EVEN if it does represent a creative mind! The magnetic forces are so strong that 2 pieces can hold through human flesh enabling them to look like the all too familiar..."artsy" people in our world today! (I had to think of a nice descriptive word-"artsy") Well, it might have been "fun play" for those 3 rascals but it was made quite clear piercings would never be allowed within the Davis Herd- not in this house! Or this neighborhood-imagine what the neighbors to the north would think!
Words from the "been there" group -- never say never! Sure enjoy your blog, Sue U.
The neighbors from the north north-east think Dan needs one!
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