Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Sick bugs that is....those warmer temps we all enjoyed also infested the Davis' with sick bugs. It's always puzzled me how you can go to bed feeling fine and wake up sick? It's like those nasty creatures wait until you're dog tired & in need of rest before they say..."nah, nah no sleepin' tonight"! Errrrr......I like sleep!
Now my next question: When do you go to the doctor? You see, Dexter went to bed last night feeling mostly fine...ok, a slight watery runny nose and mild sore throat...but I thought nice "spring like" weather must mean early spring allergies. Well...the seal like cough began, a few crackles on the exhale, fever, headache, severe sore throat, tiredness & hoarse voice. So now I sit here or no doctor? And, in a family of 5 with 3 kids....Who's next?

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