Thursday, August 25, 2011

taming the cranky cussin cowpoke

I think the first week of school is wearing my 8 year old out.  He seems to melt about 7:30. Or should i say explode?  The  last two evenings have been a challenge.  The fella goes 110 all day, right up until the moment. Last night the moment proved to be around 7:30 when the crankster came out and the cuss words started flying.  You know them, the D word, the S word, and the H word.  I'm not sure if he used them in frustration, or to sound cool, but I'm told they roll right off his 8 year tongue.  Of course, he has yet to try this in front of his parents, but while interacting with his bros he will shout them out.  Oldest child takes it upon himself to discipline...this, undoubtedly, fuels the blazin' fire!

So, in an effort to tame the cranky cussin' lil' cowpoke,  I marched the cranky cusser up the stairs to his bedroom where he had to stand with his nose in the corner.  This led to cryin' and complaining which inevitably landed him in his cozy bed.

Honestly, I think that's right where cranky cussin' cowpoke wanted to be.  Once his head hit the pillow it wasn't 30 seconds before he was sound asleep.

Now, say cranky cussin' cowpoke 10 times as fast as you can ;-)   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thus too shall pass! I am so glad to see your cowboy family is normal. You will get that fixed and be ready for the next- Sue U.