Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Part 2

Big screen t.v.s
the over sized t.v. turns most homes into man caves(specifically mine), rocks the walls with their theater sound systems and take the thrill out of a paid theater show. Not to mention the cable companies and their zillion channels that manipulate your inner will & turn you into the lazy couch potato.

so now I own a computer worth X$ and have x$ worth of purchased music files stored on my hard drive. Seems a little risky. Sure, I could buy the CD's to backup my music library but isn't that kind of like taking this all back to purchasing the artists CD in the first place?

yes, I will admit they have their benefits. Knowledge at your finger tips! But sometimes too much knowledge with the consequences of "couch potato syndrome". Right? How often have you piddled too much time away..for fun or out of frustration?

Cell phones
The original was a genius idea. Remember it? The big bag phone the size of a cosmetic bag glamour girls. I love the bag phone idea for traveling emergencies but is it really necessary to be available 1440 minutes a day? Not to mention text messaging. And yes, I do it. But we're taking the meaning out of relationships. Not just through our voiceless conversations but do you know of someone who constantly looks at their phone? Or answers their phone/responds regardless of where or what they're doing. People, do you realize how rude we're becoming? And, accepting of it!

Gaming systems
Whatever! Good for hand eye coordination? Who's the brainiac that discovered that? And now you can do it to reach your fitness goals! I"m a believer of board games, word puzzles and yard games. AND your good ole' imagination? Does anyone remember a great game you used to play as a kid? I'm not sure my bro or sis read this but we used to spend hours playing "alligator". Well, until someone went home crying because someone wasn't playing fair. But think of the life lessons learned.

Yep, got one of those too. Garman, as we can her, can get you there or get you lost. Can any of you relate?

ugh! Nearly all of the above wrapped into one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you like to spend a day without all of them, or even longer!!! At times I would!!!