Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I had to take a break from my NOT so favorite job, cleaning!
I like clean things but don't like to clean.
Do you understand my daily battle?
I realized as I scrubbed away on my lil' home I had to break to tell you of the greatest gift I have ever gifted myself.
Yep, you read right. A gift for ME:)
Do you have any idea what it might be?
Come on...think hard!
I bought it a couple months ago.
Yep, you read right, again.
It's been that long, and I know you're going to put 2 & 2 together,
so I hate to admit that:(
the greatest gift is......
My new, easily removable toilet seat!
Yep, a toilet seat! hahaha!
With three (whoops 4) boys it is a must! You just give a small twist to the left to each little attachment piece, a little upward pull to the seat and wa-lah!
Now you have access to every part of that porcelain bowl that needs wiped down....
such a GrOsS job.
It would have been selfish of me not to share.
I do; however, apologize for blogging about toilet seats.
**Any mother of boys will understand, guaranteed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always know what I want (or need) better than anyone. When I was young I liked suprise, now I don't mind buying my own! Merry Christmas. Sue U.