Saturday, December 12, 2009


Dan and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary with friends in Hermann, MO. Honestly, the trip was somewhat of a fluke but we truly did enjoy ourselves. We visited 3 wineries and 1 microbrewery and loved the people, the stories, the views, the historic architect and our lil' cottage at the Hermann Hill Villages. Wine or no wine Hermann, MO is a place worth visiting. The Stone Hill Winery restaurant was highly recommended..we chose to eat there on our first night. All 4 of us non wine connoisseurs were sold on the trip when we realized we were dining in a huge old stable. It was simply amazing! I'm sure it was something in its day, too. Maybe even the highlight of my trip:) For those of you, like me, that want to throw on a bonnet and live back in the day(or think they wanna) this barn IS something to see! I should mention the food was also superb! drinker or not Hermann, MO is a treasure in the Midwest... a phenomenal little getaway close to home with history, small town charm, & quietness.
And Oh so relaxing....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary and many, many more. Sounds like you found a great little get away! Sue U.