Monday, November 2, 2009

crud in the boys have been confirmed to have the H1N1 crud. It's been a mind boggling last couple of weeks with Dawson and Dexter beginning their sickness Oct. 22-23.
Yes, one of the days was the scheduled day for school pictures :(
Then, this week, 5 days after our first go around with sick bugs I noticed Dexter starting to look frightful..peaked with dark circles under his eyes. So after battling fevers for another couple of days I decided it was in Dexter's best interest to pay a visit to his pediatrician. Was it lingering germs or a new bug? I feared he was in the beginning stages of pneumonia, which he seems to be quite susceptible too. THANK GOD! Dexter's lungs were clear-not even a wheeze:) But the high fever and other symptoms led the Dr. to do a rapid influenza A test. The accuracy of the test wasn't takes 15 min. to run & only catches 40% of the positives. Well, after 6 min. Dexter's test was leaning toward a big fat +! He was prescribed Tamiflu in hopes of limiting the duration and complications from the virus. Dawson wasn't swabbed for the bug but it should be assumed he's got the same infestation! I hate to speak too soon but at this time Jaxson seems to be able to roll in the germs and have an indestructible body armour-immune system.
Only time will tell....Stay Healthy!
Prayers greatly appreciated


Lori said...

Good Luck!!! We think it is finally better in Memphis, but it took time at school.

Anonymous said...

Get those tough guys better. Praying for you all. I had fever all last week but sure on top of all this week. Sue U.