Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This week I've been contemplating the big question....should I get a job outside the home now that the boys are in school? Actually, I'm ahead of that thought...I went as far as to register for a couple of online classes...but Guess What!
This ole' PC I'm sitting at is an antique and doesn't have the mandatory software!
Soooo my dilemma tonight....
Should I attempt to update my antique PC with the newest software,
buy a new PC or drop out of school before I really get started:(
I'll keep you posted but I just HATE the words "drop out"...they spell failure!
My easy going hubby says "whatever you want to do , J".
Dexter says, " why don't you just keep the job you got"?
Heck, could it be my sign that I am right where I'm suppose to be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jess, I believe the word is Withdraw... rather than drop out...and it is not a negative! Praying for you...and if you need a computer, you could use Jack's Tuesday and Thursday mornings! Mom is the BEST job in the entire world!!! And you are doing a Fantastic job! Tell your "Boss" that maybe you just need a raise! lol Thinking of you! ~neighbor~