Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dexter's World

First and foremost Dexter got to enter the breakaway calf roping at one of Dad's rodeos
last night in Burlington. He won the event with a 2.46 second run against about a dozen
ropers. It was super fun watching:) He won some pretty hefty cash for an 11 year old (which he spent today) and an extremely nice hay bag that crowns him the
2009 Burlington Breakaway Champion.
Second, Dexter obtained his locker combination for middle school this afternoon. It took a few
attempts for that darn thing to open but he eventually got it. He had to 2 hand it..right hand on the right hand turns...left hand for the left hand turn...haha I though that was funny.
FYI: boys DON"T decorate their lockers but the girls DO :S
Third, Dexter, Grandpa Jack & Uncle Ray are off on their annual CO trail riding trip.
Dexter's suitcase is packed along with his newly purchased digital camera.
THE HAYBAG and saddle are in the trailer. Beloved Popcan is ready to load up and
headem' west early tomorrow morning.
We know Dexter will have GREAT memories of his CO trip BUT .....
we're gonna miss him:(

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Congrats Dex!! Jess, There is still time to sneak into the school and decorate his locker!! lol Who says boys can't have kewl lockers too?! (he said he was going to install a gum machine??)