Wednesday, September 14, 2011

mutton bustin

This summer Dawson found a new event to enter at many of the rodeos we attended.  He never feared when mounting up on a wild, woolly, often times stinky, sheep.  He couldn't wait to settle down onto the middle of  their back and for the gate to fly open...those bleating sheep feared him. Or  so HE thought. For 8 short seconds he felt tough, indestructible, and like every young cowboys hero, Lane Frost.
He gives the "outside boys" and the chute gate flies open.

The woolly gives him "the ride of his life".  He stays centered, fingers dug in, and holds on tight.

He makes the 8 second whistle, his dismount isn't pretty, but my little cowpoke is cowboy tough. He jumps up and high tails his Wrangler butt out of the arena.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am ohhhh so very very proud of all of the boys and their accomplishments with rodeo!!!! Love to you all! Miss you much!!