Wednesday, September 21, 2011

buttered popcorn

Last night as I strolled down to feed my a bees a little extra sugar water I was stunned to catch a strong whiff of buttered popcorn.  Never having smelled the distinct smell of buttered popcorn in the open outdoors my mind was racing. 

Is the smell the scent of a fall weed? Are my bees sick, infested?

Unsure of the exact source of the buttered popcorn smell I moved forward with my head tilted back, nostrils in the air, and flailing.  I inhaled the flowering weeds.

Aha-Choo! Nope, not coming from the weeds. 
It's the beehive, I KNOW it's the beehive!

For your enjoyment I will tell you at this point my nose is touching the beehive. No lie! I'm being embarrassingly honest here. My beak is smashed right up to the backside of the wooden high rise.

THE BEEHIVE smells like buttered popcorn....What in the World??
Here I've been worried about aiding their survival through the winter. It's nearly fall! And, it's my STRONG hive, the honey producers, the gals who NEEDED the high rise!

Determined to save my bees and conquer this buttered popcorn smell I sat down at the computer ready to research.  I jumped on my favorite bee websites, blogs, and was filled with relief to discover that the buttered popcorn smell was the scent of a fall honey flow.  Hallelujah!!  Specifically it is the smell of honey produced from fall flowers like Goldenrod and Aster.  I have yet to peek in at their hard work. I'm super excited to do so. I'm hoping for a golden surprise. Maybe enough capped honey for one last extraction?


Anonymous said...

Oh my, I must be missing out. How many honey extractions have you had and do you have honey to sell? I sure did not expect that popcorn smell to be coming from your hive? Sue U.

Anonymous said...

This college girl with allergies is in need of some locally grown honey! Can you help a girl out?? ;o)