Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Kid 2 strolled out of the bathroom last night, towel wrappped around his waist, beefy chest puffed out, claiming his 4th grade teacher had given a

Class, our room is starting to smell like a stinky locker room.

Class, GOOD hygiene is very important.

Class, the outside temperatures are rising and your little bodies are responding.

Class, I think it's time you each begin wearing deodorant.

This morning Kid 2 left for school smelling like a man. Not only did he swipe his pits with a little D.O., I walked into the bathroom to find him splashing on a bit of aftershave and noticed the cologne bottle sitting close by with the lid off.

I hope today the teacher doesn't complain of eye and throat irritation....Kid 2 probably will mask the stinch of the entire classroom, I'm pretty sure I can still smell him:)

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