For as long as I can remember homecoming week in small town Iowa has meant TPing trees. The Davis Herd boys have had many questions about the toilet paper dangling from trees and blowing in the fall breeze. The site has brought back many memories,
caused me to smile and giggle, and feel sad for the real trouble the kids can now
find themselves in if they are caught partaking of the homecomingweek ritual. Unfortunately, a few years ago some bad apples spoiled the harmless prank for the whole bunch when they
took the TPing festivities to a level of vandalism.
Today I spoke with one Dad who, with his kids, TP his own house.
His comment was, "IT'S HOMECOMING!"

Partners in crime: Dexter and Dawson
When we arrived home from the homecoming parade the boys were full of Mustang spirit and begged for a roll of toilet paper. Not willing to part with too many rolls of the cushioning stuff I gave them one roll and told them to get after it.After all, homecoming in small town Iowa IS trees decorated with the white stuff.
Along with:
* a parade full of floats & kids
*an entire community lining the streets
*maroon and gold MUSTANG PRIDE
*decorated business windows
*a football game with a packed house
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