Thursday, October 14, 2010

Good-bye Miss. Kitty

For the past 14 days we've sheltered a kitty in the house. The boys rescued Oatee from a terrible fate. It's 2 siblings were found still in the middle of the dirt road.
Knowing this furry feline could never take up permanent residence in this house,
  • because middle child is extremely allergic to cats,
  • because master Herdsman would come uncorked,
  • because Dewey, our wire hair fox terrier, is a cats worst nightmare,
I began a frantic search for an open door and loving arms. I was thrilled to end my search when my cousin agreed, with excitement, to be it's human mama.
Because I want to keep family relationships good, I offered to have kitty checked out at the vet.
There, I found out Miss. Kitty, is approx. 8 weeks old, and MISTER KITTY!
Life with Mr. Kitty has been interesting.
Mr. Kitty likes to wrap around your feet and bite at your toes like some type of killer cat!
Mr. Kitty ran across the couch this morning, onto an end table, hit the decorative doily and pulled EVERYTHING to the carpet, including the bowl of potpourri.
Tomorrow we will tell Mr. Kitty good-bye and he will thank us for saving his life.
Okay, he probably won't.

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