Dexter joined a small group of friends on the square, doing his own trick or treating this year. I believe he had fun with his peers. He went as the same ole' old man that he had dressed up as last year. Pa wasn't sure this was a good idea; letting Dexter venture around the town with other 12 year olds after dark. I assured Pa plenty of adults would be out and watching. Dexter promised he wouldn't rob a bank.......thank goodness!
Jaxson chose to hit the streets dressed as a PRCA bull fighter. We completely painted his face and it took 4 attempts with makeup remover to eliminate all of the colorful stuff. I'm hoping this squelched any hidden dreams of being a real life bill fighter. I kept asking Jaxson, "How would you like to do this every night?" I'm pretty sure he wouldn't :D
Dawson was decked in Wranglers, chaps, a Wrangler shirt, cowboy hat, cowboy boots, belt with the biggest buckle in the house, leather glove and a bull riding vest. He was a PRCA bull rider with the attitude to match it. We added a little artsy flair with a mustache and foo man choo face hair. I'm really hoping this idea does not live long past Halloween also.
the bull rider, bull fighter and old man 

Oh boy, starting the going with friends around town, you guys are getting up there in age! The boys look authentic and absolutely great. Rest assured, Dan, it takes some of all to grow up! We sure miss these young men at Troy Church. Come back and join us! Sue
I'm so HAPPY you posted pictures! We missed seeing them! But..I know they are growing up f-a-s-t! ~Lisa~
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