Friday, April 22, 2011


Dear Davis Herd Followers,

I apologize for my lack of & sloppy blogging lately. As I sit and reread I see gigantic spacing issues, misspelled words, lack of words, words in rambled, no meaningful, order. So sorry. I also realize my blog is in dear need of a face left....for cryin' out loud I'm still sporting a Valentine theme:( Someday I do hope to address these issues...that deeply disturb me....but for now I must truck on with other chores. Like washin' dirty, rotten, filthy, muddy laundry and removing the cinnamon rolls from the buzzing oven.

Yes, cinnamon rolls this morning. Why, because I love to spoil when the boys have friends over. Today I'm not outnumbered 4:1 but rather 6:1. No worries, I know what growing boys like, I know what melts their beating hearts....homecookin'. I love whipping up a big breakfast for those growing men.....breakfast pizzas, biscuits and gravy, pancakes, homemade waffles, cinnamon rolls and occasionally homemade doughnuts. So, off I go to join these loud, rambunctious preteens as the table. I will sit amongst bed head, sleep crusted eyes, morning breath yawns and watch them devour food like boys do.

Until there's time....please put up with my blogging short comings....

The Wrangler

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