Wednesday, May 5, 2010

it wasn't me!

Wonderful Aunt Stephie recently mailed a package to the boys that included, the nearly nonexistent, candy cigarettes.
Do you remember them?
Upon first realizing they were in the package I honestly debated over whether or not to even give them to the boys. Aunt Stephie; however, wanted a photo.
I convinced myself their was no need to fear!
Neither her nor I are smokers after puffing away on those candy sticks.
So, Monday night the boys lined up on the couch in the living room and nibbled away on a highly concentrated sugar cigarette.
A phone photo was snapped, sent and the boys were given' the speech on.....
back in the old days....before they knew the dangers of real cigarettes...they used to make.....blah, blah, get my drift.
This story only gets better!
Tuesdays I volunteer in the elementary school. I spend the mornings in Mrs. Rays classroom, were Dawson is a student. Yesterday, as I strolled into the classroom with a friendly smile, I'm quickly surrounded and under attack.
Mrs. Davis, Dawson told me he was smokin' cigarettes last night and that they were candy cigarettes and I don't think they make candy cigarettes. Were they real? Was he REALLY smoking cigarettes. Cigarettes are BAD for you! I like candy! I wish I could have one! Candy cigarettes..ooooh.
Needless to say I walked in unarmed. I said the first thing that came to my mind and did my very best to shush those inquisitive 5 year olds!
I blamed their Aunt Stephie!
Yep, I sounded just like a kindergartner.
I didn't buy them, it wasn't me!


Anonymous said...

OMGosh! This is hilarious! I feel bad for you Jessica! Your first instinct...must have been correct! Sorry! Oh those were SO much fun though! The corn starch that would bellow from under the paper wrappers! LOL!!! I was not aware that these were practically non-existant these days! Lucky for you that your sister found some to share with ya'll! (chuckle...chuckle) ~lisa~

Anonymous said...

Many a child has tried that "candy" version and I think all has survived! Aunt Steph gets a big high five for that box - Sue U.