Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Two weeks ago I once again found myself picking up the 101 shoes/boots that lay scattered around our garage floor.
As I was sorting and pairing and pitching a voice in my head calmly said,
Why are you throwing those shoes away?
Sure, they're worn and muddy and WE could do without them
but someone somewhere NEEDS them!
Clean them up, ship them off AND clean up your garage.
Well, I couldn't shake this thought.
Every time I walk through the garage I hear that lil' voice.
Soooo after a few searches of the Internet I've decided I'm going to ship the Davis' worn but not ruined shoes to Souls4Souls in Sheldon, Iowa!
You may have heard of the organization, especially after the many recent earthquakes.
But do you know what is extra special about this place?
Souls4Souls, in Iowa, is partnered with Village Northwest Unlimited. VNU offers a wide array of services and training to more than 180 individuals with disabilities. The individuals have varying degrees of disabilities including intellectual disabilities, brain injury, cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, epilepsy, and range from ages 17 to 80.
Souls4Souls gives these mighty special people a chance in society. They receive, sort and ship our donated shoes.
Sheldon Iowa's Souls4Soul is 1 of their only 4 USA locations.
After this discovery I was moved even more to DO THIS!
I'm also,
inviting you to do it, too!
I'll gladly mail your gently used shoes with those of the Davis Herd.
Dig out those closets, clean off your shelves and
drop your shoes off to me or call me and I'll come and pick them up!
Shoot, I'll even clean them up if I need to.
Check out this awesome organization
All types of gently worn complete paired shoes are accepted.
My shipping date: April 1, NO FOOLIN'!


Libby said...

Good for The Davis Herd. I may be dropping off a box of shoes the next time I am in Bloomfield. Kuddos to you!

Unknown said...

Wow, Jessica that is great news. Isn't is amazing how that little voice just keeps speaking! I'm going home to clean out my closet and ship some shoes. Thanks for passing along.

Lori said...

I will do my best to get shoes around!!!