To some this will be old news....
I let the boys(this is including their Dad) head to the neighbors to purchase a couple more kids before they were hauled off to the sale barn. Our goat herd of 5 had dwindled to 4 and the boys were under the assumption they needed 1 or 2 more kids.
The boys returned with 15 wild, free range, not used to human, kids.
SUPRISE!!!! NOR were they accustomed to three cowboy crazed goat ropers.
Dawson suffered the consequences of the wild 15 when a kid literally tried to jump over him.
We all learned a goat can't quite jump a 6 year old.
The darn thing sent Dawson flying backwards and knocked out his 2 front teeth!

...........another Davis' Herd adventure!
AND, I couldn't resist plugging in this picture from last fall.

Dawson's black eye from an 8 second goat ride.
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