Friday, May 15, 2009

A nudge?

A nudge? The nudge method of parenting was described this morning on GMA. I'm thinking this may be a technique I should try? I realize I shouldn't sweat the small a messy bedroom but just to have a clear path would be nice:) Here's how the nudge works: Let's say Dexter has Lego's laying all over his bedroom, which he often does. You see, I give him a nudge to clean them up. If the small task doesn't get completed, when he's not around(to avoid confrontation), they get picked up by Mom and locked away in my possession. Then, in order to earn them back, certain chores must be completed or he may buy them back. Sounds simple! Plus, it would eliminate the repeated nagging requests. The "experts" claim it only takes a nudge or 2 to change behaviors...I'll let you know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jess - when Gary would find a bike in the drive he would take it out and hide it in the cornfield etc. They really hated to ask DAD where their bike was. Tricks of the trade. Sue U.