Friday, February 27, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

During our travels I wondered how these loyal Hawk fans, we were soon to encounter, would handle this mighty brave devoted Cyclone? Is it possible we will return him to his parents with a black eye? NO black eyes were given(thank goodness)...only finger points, strange faces, smirks and "words of wisdom" from the 70ish year old veteran(probably season ticket holder) Hawk fan at the end our row:ha, ha!)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Who knew???
Who knew.....Iowa has an island city? Sabula, over on the Mississppi created because of the lock and dam system.
Who knew.....Iowa was the first state to offer a point-of-sale "shazam" system. Yep, in 1985 used at Hy-Vee or some grocery store.
Who knew....Iowa holds the "world" record for growing the largest strawberry? Yep, in Strawberry Point.( I think I knew that...Jaxson loved that fact!)
Who knows...Iowa's motto? "Our liberties we prize & our rights we will maintain." I'm sure I've heard that before but as an adult the words mean so much more. I like it!
This is just a glimpse to what our day was like at the ISC. We also participated in Zapp2; an interactive show on electricity, created our own paper airplanes to launch through the air with an air shooter thing, attempted to make gigantic bubbles, played meterologist Ed Wilson on WHO-TV 13(note picture) & the boys conducted energy with water & stones by designing a water fall with maximum water force.
It was a fabulous, fun day thanks to Grandpa & Grandma Mart & their Christmas gift of a years membership....we look forward to many more visits!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Family(ALL OF U!)
Our faithful God
Sunny Days
Dark Chocolate
Happy Faces & Good Laughs
Outdoors(doing anything!)
Fresh Snow
Hugs(especially morning hugs!)
Good Books & a Cozy Blanket
A Delicious Salad
Coffee anything! (the taste & smell of!)
Listening to the kiddos play & their amazement with life's simple pleasures!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Looking at our shoes as we walked through the grass, imagining the beautiful green to come, Dawson & I recited a list of all the things we want to do this spring. It was something like this: plant flowers, plant garden, look for worms, ride in the paddle boat, rope, hike down by the creek, trail ride with snacks, get new sand for the sand box(maybe a few new toys), buy baby goats....and the list went on & on & on with a 5 year old. My thoughts were: wash windows, stain the deck, plant a few more shrubs, pick up the rocks fron the yard(left over from snow removal), get some algae stuff for the pond, take a major trip to the dump, "that sounds funny-recycle center", and everything Dawson wants to do"which sounds much more relaxing & fun!"
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
life amongst "the herd"