So the transformation isn't going as planned. I had high hopes of transforming the Herd blog in as little as 30 minutes. I would likes to have said 15 minutes but in attempt to keep it real...30 min.
Days later I'm stuck at the same spot. I'm feeling totally frustrated with this "bleepin' bleep bleep" technology. These frustrations simply prove to me that I still am a "no. 2 lead pencil in a .com world", like my father.
Bonnet pleeeeease.
Hang with me.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Hang with me as I transform the Davis Herd blog. It's not complete, but it's time for bed....I like to follow right behind Mr. Sun.
I'm excited to liven' up my home page and hoping to add a few new features so some of you readers out there can come to know us better.
I'm no Pioneer Woman, but inspired to try:)
ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz Until the sun shines again.
What I'm talkin' about...
After reading my last post you may have taken note to everything I am "deep" in.
Well, proof is in the pudding, baby.

But that is NOT pudding. It is a nature made swim hole.
And these are the dirty clothes I am talkin' about. Just a couple items from the many, many , many sets throughout the day.
And the oh so dirty rats,
I claim them on most days.

But, when they did this 2 days later and added a half of bottle of dish soap to the slide( no joke) I was ready to sell.
What will you give me?
Just kidding.....I was the same ole' way ;)
Monday, June 13, 2011
- We are deep in water, rain water that is.
- We are deep in wet, muddy clothes which means deep in laundry.
- We are deep in 4-H projects, rodeos and summer activities.
- We are deep in a messy house where our walls see us drop in and run out.
- We are not deep in groceries......who can keep up with 3 growing boys?
- We are deep in garden produce....asparagus, rhubarb, lettuce, kohlrabi, onions, radishes and broccoli.
- We are deeply appreciating the extra summer hours to hang with friends.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
country brothers
The Herd boys have spent the last few days roaming the range on their trusty steads, Snowball, Oreo and Tiger. These equine friends have had their tails rode off. They venture across streams, through meadows, tie up down at the pond, and stop off at their secret fort. The boys pack lunches, water bottles, and bags of suckers. They walk, race, and occasionally come home pulling a big log. Why? Because they can. They are boys.
My boys sport farmers tans, have bug bites, the occasional tick, dirty finger nails, sweaty backs and more often than not wet muddy jeans. They push each other, wrestle in the grass, spray each other with the hose and knock each other's hats off. I love it. They're great country brothers. 

Friday, June 3, 2011
highlight and funnies
The Davis Herd has been in high gear the past month. I wanted to catch you up on a few of the highlights and funnies here on the farm.
The first highlight came after Jaxson won the fastest time of the night in his FIRST IRCA rodeo. He roped that scootin' tootin' calf at the back end of the arena. It was the only catch in the breakaway event durning Sunday evenings competition. This enabled him to fill his pockets with the day money. His time also earned him a 4th place paycheck in the weekend rodeo. It was thrilling.....who would have thought? First rodeo=$$$$.
Then, for those of you who can speak with idioms you may not find this funny. I, however, am not one to roll those silly sayings right off my tongue and it was the first time I had ever heard it.
Therefore I laughed my hind-end off. Dan, as he stared out the sliding glass door, peering west into the horizon, he announced in his hillbilly twang...."herea comes another goose drownin'. BAHAHA, with the downpours we have been having that idiom was perfect.
Lastly, we are doing yet another remodel job. As DX watched them lay the linoleum down he saw they were using an empty cardboard tube to roll out any air pockets. Remembering his "childhood" ,and the good ole' days, he offered them his play-doh roller. FYI: rolling pin. That totally cracked me clear up!
The first highlight came after Jaxson won the fastest time of the night in his FIRST IRCA rodeo. He roped that scootin' tootin' calf at the back end of the arena. It was the only catch in the breakaway event durning Sunday evenings competition. This enabled him to fill his pockets with the day money. His time also earned him a 4th place paycheck in the weekend rodeo. It was thrilling.....who would have thought? First rodeo=$$$$.
Then, for those of you who can speak with idioms you may not find this funny. I, however, am not one to roll those silly sayings right off my tongue and it was the first time I had ever heard it.
Therefore I laughed my hind-end off. Dan, as he stared out the sliding glass door, peering west into the horizon, he announced in his hillbilly twang...."herea comes another goose drownin'. BAHAHA, with the downpours we have been having that idiom was perfect.
Lastly, we are doing yet another remodel job. As DX watched them lay the linoleum down he saw they were using an empty cardboard tube to roll out any air pockets. Remembering his "childhood" ,and the good ole' days, he offered them his play-doh roller. FYI: rolling pin. That totally cracked me clear up!
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