Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rising Stars

As some of you are aware we recently returned home from our 2nd trip to the Rising Stars Calf Roping in Duncan, Oklahoma. The excitement for this rodeo had been building for a month or more as we ALL loved the getaway last year. Many hours were spent in the barn riding, roping and tying down calves in preparation for 2010. This roping competition draws young Rising Star Calf Ropers from many states: California, Minnesota, Kansas, South Dakota, Mississippi, Louisiana, New Mexico, & Missouri just to name a few. We feel fortunate to be able to partake, visit with ole' rodeo family, and observe the young ins' make new friends.
Although this trip is more than just about finishing on top Dexter did prove to be a fierce competitor this year in the 12 & under breakaway competition. He finished 12th out of 105 kids, earning a little bit of pocket change and a spot to rope in the final round. I believe my boy along with his horse, Popcan, were functioning on pure adrenaline......the announcer was loud, the music was louder and the crowd was crazy.......especially this mama.
Jaxson and Dawson were also successful in their events. They each caught calves which IS a WIN at the ripe ole' ages of 7 & 10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go boys!